NRA Leaders


Member Profile

John Burtt

Former Board Member

John Burtt

Former Board Member


Burtt is the Chairman of the Fifty Caliber Institute, an organization that claims that the .50 caliber sniper rifle is “helping to make our streets and nation safer.” The gun has been criticized by many—including members of law enforcement—as a weapon too dangerous for civilian use. John C. Killorin, a former special agent in charge of the Atlanta field division of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), called the .50 caliber sniper rifle “a devastatingly powerful weapon against which most troops, most law enforcement, no civilians, have any means of defense.” Additionally, in 2005, U.S. Representative Jim Moran (D-VA) and 28 cosponsors introduced legislation that would have placed stricter regulations on .50 caliber sniper rifles by placing them in the same federal regulatory class as machine guns. The 50 Caliber Sniper Rifle Reduction Act found that “the intended use of these long-range firearms…is the taking of human life and the destruction of materiel, including armored vehicles and such components of the national critical infrastructure as radars and microwave transmission devices, in addition 50 caliber sniper weapons pose a significant threat to civil aviation in that they are capable of destroying or disabling jet aircraft … The virtually unrestricted availability of these firearms and ammunition, given the uses intended in their design and manufacture, present a serious and substantial threat to the national security.” Burtt, on the other hand, has called the .50 caliber sniper rifle—which was used by both Branch Davidians during the Waco siege and by IRA terrorists—“the safest firearm to have ever been manufactured in the United States.”

All Statements (3 total)

Statements by Category (3 total)

  • Conspiracy Theory

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  • Conspiracy Theory

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  • Gun Industry

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  • Animal Rights
    In a July 7, 2008 interview with CNS News, Burtt accused Members of Congress who sought legislation to bar civilians from purchasing and owning .50-caliber sniper rifles of plotting to pass "backdoor legislation to ban all firearms in this country." Burtt then claimed the .50-caliber sniper rifle was designed for hunting, stating, "I know a lot of people who hunt [elk, bear and other large game animals] with the .50 BMG. When a .50 caliber round hits a large animal like that, it has tremendous knock-down power. But, it does nothing more than put a half-inch hole into the animal and knock it down."

    Sources [1]

  • Conspiracy Theory
    In a July 7, 2008 interview with CNS News, Burtt accused Members of Congress who sought legislation to bar civilians from purchasing and owning .50-caliber sniper rifles of plotting to pass "backdoor legislation to ban all firearms in this country." Burtt then claimed the .50-caliber sniper rifle was designed for hunting, stating, "I know a lot of people who hunt [elk, bear and other large game animals] with the .50 BMG. When a .50 caliber round hits a large animal like that, it has tremendous knock-down power. But, it does nothing more than put a half-inch hole into the animal and knock it down."

    Sources [1]

  • Gun Industry
    In a July 7, 2008 interview with CNS News, Burtt accused Members of Congress who sought legislation to bar civilians from purchasing and owning .50-caliber sniper rifles of plotting to pass "backdoor legislation to ban all firearms in this country." Burtt then claimed the .50-caliber sniper rifle was designed for hunting, stating, "I know a lot of people who hunt [elk, bear and other large game animals] with the .50 BMG. When a .50 caliber round hits a large animal like that, it has tremendous knock-down power. But, it does nothing more than put a half-inch hole into the animal and knock it down."

    Sources [1]